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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oskar's trip to see Santa

Santa was at the vet's office this morning for a couple of hours.  I haven't taken Oskar to see Santa since he was 1 so I decided it was time to take him again.  Plus they were taking donations for Agape Animal Rescue so it was for a good cause and he is sporting a fresh hair cut.

The groomer put a silly looking bandana on him so I made him a more festive bandana before our trip to see Santa.  How cute is he in the snowman fabric?

After I put his new bandana on him it was off to see Santa.  He's not as crazy about the old man this year as he was 11 years ago.  He was so scared he was shaking. I was still able to catch this picture before he jumped out of Santa's arms.  I'm still surprised by the fact that he let me put the Santa hat on his head.  He hates dressing up (with the exception of the coat he wears when we go to Colorado...he'll wear it out there but not here in Tennessee).

So Merry Christmas from Oskar.

Don't've still got one more day to register for all of those giveaways going on at

Monday, December 9, 2013

A Very Merry Child's Infinity Scarf Giveaway

When I first began sewing, it was gifts for family and friends.  Just something to pass the time.  Why not try to make a little money while doing it?  I still do freelance work in television production but I cannot wait for the day that I will be able to make a living sewing and creating.

That being said...

Tis the I am going to give away a child's sized red and white infinity scarf made with designer jersey knit fabric.  Your little one will look absolutely adorable for all of her Christmas photos wearing this scarf...then she can wear it for Valentine's day too!

In order to enter the giveaway, comment with your favorite handmade gift that you have received or that you like to give.  Winner will be drawn at random at 7pm on Friday, December 13th.

There are a lot more giveaways going on over at Sew Mama Sew so go check those out and enter away!  Good luck.

Also, once I get to 500 likes on my Facebook Page...I'm going to do a REALLY BIG giveaway so go on over and help me get up to 500 likes and tell your friends.

You can see what else I make here in my Etsy shop

And you can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram

Monday, November 25, 2013

How I Would Modify the Insul-Bright Oven Mitt Pattern

This past weekend, I tried my hand at the oven mitt pattern that is on the packaging for Insul-Bright batting.  I made two sets.  One of the sets I modified and the other set I stuck to the instructions.  After making a total of 4 oven mitts (because I think they should come in pairs) here are my thoughts on the pattern that is on the batting:

1.  I think that quilting them gives them more character.  The instructions do not say to quilt but I did a meandering pattern on the bird ones and I think they feel better on the hands.  The His and Hers ones were made according to the directions with no quilting.

2.  The thumb needs to be a bit longer.  Perhaps the pattern should be enlarged 175% or even 200% instead of the 150% that is in the instructions  They are fine for me but I have small hands so they may feel a little snug on someone with larger hands.

I made the first pair for a friend who invited us to their Thanksgiving dinner and she was very happy and surprised.  Her's were fussy cut and patchwork and I love how well they turned out.

The second set I made yesterday and I am pretty proud of my creativeness with them.  They are "His and Hers"  Double sided so that if HE is getting something out of the oven the mustaches are facing up and if SHE is getting it out, dress forms.  I think it would make a super cute wedding gift/housewarming gift. 

Here is how my cat feels about my using the bed to spread out works in progress:

I was also pleasantly surprised at how much I liked fussy cutting the bird ones.  Next oven mitts will be made larger so that someone with bigger hands can use them.  I was also thinking about doing some smaller ones for my nieces to use in their "kiddie kitchens".  Of course those will just get regular need for the Insul-bright since they won't be handling hot items.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Quick and Easy Scrappy Pot Holder

I've been trying to get a bit of sewing in each morning before having to go in to work.  Trying to make up for the three long weeks I just finished up where I didn't have time to sew anything.  Which, in my opinion, is absolutely devastating.  I love to sew and see my finished products.  I had gotten several orders for custom items the last week as well so I was able to get a couple of those items done in my morning sewing sessions.

I've been wanting to make potholders for quite some time now.  I just kept forgetting to buy the "Insul-bright" batting.  I finally remembered on Saturday night and bought a yard at JoAnn's.  Out of one yard I should be able to get eight 8" potholders.  I also had these scraps of fabric left over from a throw pillow that I made a couple of months ago and I've been waiting for the perfect project to use them on.  Much to my surprise I had just enough for one pot holder.

I followed this tutorial from the Texas Freckles blog.  It went together so quickly.  She wasn't joking when she said it was "quick and easy."  I think this would be the perfect beginning quilting project for someone.

I am very pleased with how my first pot holder turned out.  Now I need to try making some mitts from the pattern that was on the batting :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How I applique on minky

I bought a sewing/embroidery machine a little over a year ago.  The Sophia 2 by Babylock.  I was so excited about having an embroidery machine and I've used it to applique letters several times.  However, it only has the option of a 4x4 area to embroider in.  That is not large enough applique names, only 1 letter at a time.

And I'm also a Mac person and the embroidery software for a Mac is too pricey for me.  So I can't combine patterns.  I would have to do one letter, unhoop and rehoop the fabric, do the second letter and so on.  I feel like letting the machine do the appliqueing was limiting the things I could be doing with my "creations."

This being said, I am thankful that I learned how to sew on the simplest of sewing machines and had to learn how to applique manually before being spoiled by the machine doing it for me.  I've been appliqueing quite a bit lately and I've come to realize that I like the old fashioned way.  I'd rather not have the machine just do each letter and I cut the fabric around it.  I prefer cutting out the fabric and then stitching around it and guiding the fabric by hand.  I can also take more pride in my work doing it this way.

With cotton quilting fabric or knit fabric, I like to use "Heat 'n bond" and iron the fabric I will be appliqueing on to the main fabric.  You can't do this with minky because minky does not like heat.  Especially dimple dot minky.  So I figured out how it worked best for me and here it is.

I printed out the letters that I wanted to applique in Word.  I didn't feel like taking the time to research how to print them off in reverse so I just printed them out regular, flipped the paper over and traced the back of the paper with a sharpie.  Then I traced that onto the paper backing of the Heat 'n bond.  Iron that on to the fabric to be appliqued and cut the letters out.  Normally you would then pull the paper backing off and iron it on to your main fabric like I did for the dance bags.

This is where it is different when sewing with minky...I used Fabri Tac glue.  I put a thin line of glue along the middle of each of the letters then placed the letters on the main fabric.  After about 10 minutes, the glue should be dry enough that the letters won't move around on you.

To the sewing machine.  I used a zigzag stitch.  I had stitch width at 4 and stitch length at 0.7.  I prefer a smaller stitch length so that the zigzags are closer together.  You could even go lower than that.  0.5 is a really tight zigzag on my machine.

I was very pleased with how this quilt turned out all together...I can't wait to see the baby's pictures on it.

I've used this method of gluing the letters on to the minky several times now and I've washed the items as well and I'm quite pleased with how well the glue holds the letters in place while I stitch around the outside.  Also, the glue doesn't gum up the needle since the glue is in the middle of the letter and not near where the needle goes in to the fabric.

Hope someone finds this helpful and I promise to work on my photography skills so that it will be easier on your eyeballs :)
-maryanna aka MarvelousAuntieM

Visit my shop and Facebook page

Monday, November 18, 2013

New Challenge to keep my mind busy

So I got too busy with work to do 26 quilts in 12 months...however...I have a more attainable goal set for myself.  Last night I purchased the new book Tula Pink's City Sampler: 100 Modern Quilt Blocks.  I've been wanting to buy it for a while now and it took a lot of digging to finally find it at JoAnn's so that I could use my 40% off coupon.  I was so excited.  I haven't had the chance to sit down and really go through it yet.  But, I have decided that I am going to make a quilt that includes each one of the 100 quilt blocks. 

I am hoping that this will help me keep me busy.  Anytime I have any down time recently I just keep thinking about my brother and getting sad...sitting in traffic jams crying sad.  Tomorrow is the 1st anniversary of his passing and I've been thinking about him a lot lately.  My husband said that eventually that will pass...then he said "nevermind, I still remember the day my dad died and that was 30 years ago."  I just keep telling myself that my big brother was proud of me and he wouldn't want me to be sad all of the time.  So I have to keep busy.

This will also give me something to write about here since I seem to keep getting writer's block and going for months without posting anything.

Here's what I've been up to since last I wrote:

I met Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus and Lucy.

My youngest niece and nephew got to be elves in the CMA Country Christmas Special which airs on December 2nd at 9/8c on ABC

We had an awards show...

Here is the stage right before the show:

Oh yeah...and I did a walk by during the Hunter Hayes/Jason Mraz performance:

So now that the show is over and I'm just working on wrapping up some paperwork, hopefully this little blog won't be too neglected.

Until next time.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Swag bag sample items

So I hope I'm not getting in too deep but I have signed on to participate in the grab bags for Boutique Bazaar.  It seems that everyone is doing coupons...and I want to stand out...soooooo, I'm going to make 100 items to put in these bags.

I think I have decided on the following items...I just need to decide the quantity of each.
Key fob wristlet
mini key fob keychains
Chapstick Cozies
Quilted keychain zippered coin purses
Minky backed sleep masks

I'll probably do more key fobs than anything else since I have all of that hardware on order and zippers cost more than the key fob hardware.  I looked all over Nashville and couldn't find any of the hardware in stores.  I ordered mine from Everything Ribbons on Etsy.  Not to mention these take the least amount of time to make and I am going to be making 100 items.

Wish me luck and hopefully I'll get them all done.

Friday, September 20, 2013

No longer a craft fair

I recently started researching craft fairs that I could set a booth up at for all the stuff I quilt/sew.  In doing this I realized something.  I am a "boutique vendor."  I love the fact that they are now called boutique vendor fairs.
the booth...not too shabby for my first time if you ask me

I found one that is scheduled for October 26th and applied for a booth and got it...then I found out about a second one that was happening sooner (September 14th) so I signed up for that one too...then while at Merry September, I was invited to set up a booth at Lovebug's Boutique Bazaar Christmas Show.
Saw this on Pintrest and had to go buy a slinky to give it a shot.  Love the way the cards look in it.

I am glad that Merry September was my first event.  I made more money than I spent...and considering the fact that I was right next to a table full of cupcakes, I definitely consider that a success.  I took home three cupcakes, one for myself and two for my husband for making the awesome quilt stand/display for me.  Another reason to look forward to Fall'iday is so that I can get some more of her cupcakes.  The organizers of Merry September were really nice and on the ball also.  I had sales to almost 10% of the shoppers.  I had sales to 11 people and there were only 126 shoppers because of some other event happening in town at the same time.

My infinity scarf display that my husband built

Fall'iday Bazaar is happening on the Saturday before production loads in to the arena for CMA's and the Boutique Bazaar is the day after I finish wrapping the awards and Christmas show so I'm going to be busy making inventory on the weekends.

Tomorrow I teach my first sewing class.  I'm a little nervous.  Luckily, it's at Stitcher's Playhouse...somewhere where I feel right at home.  Busy busy busy time of year.  Can't wait until it slows down just a little bit so that I can get back into more "boutique vendor fairs".

Friday, August 23, 2013

Facebook Giveaway

So Hayden Panettiere tweeted a picture of the quilt I was commissioned to make for her by the props department here on "Nashville."  I think that's pretty cool so I decided to have a giveaway on the FB page that I set up for MarvelousAuntieM

Yesterday morning before work I finished up this little quilted cosmetics bag.  I love the bright colors and I kinda quilted around the flowers and on the inside you can see outlines of flowers.

So head on over to and like the page and share the photo to be entered into the drawing.  The proud new owner will be selected on Friday August 30th at noon so make sure you go share the photo before then.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Craft fairs.....I'm gonna do it

I have been wanting to do a craft fair for a while now.  I decided to stop saying I'm going to do one and just do it.  I've already submitted my booth rental fee for the Fall'iday Bazaar on October 26th in Lebanon.  One of my hometown friends will be joining me in this effort.  I also saw that the Merry September Boutique Vendor Fair still had some slots so I've submitted an application to do this one as well.  Fingers crossed I get to do it too.  It will be six weeks before the first one that I was planning on doing so I have a lot of inventory that I need to get cracking on.  Still need to figure out what all I want to make for both of them.  I think I'll definitely make some of these faux chenille pillows.  I'm really excited that I finally am going to do a craft fair and expose my hand made goodies to more people.  Come on out and see me and my friend Katie at the Fall'iday Bazaar.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New sewing room!

So yesterday I finally got to start setting up a sewing room. It's like my birthday, Christmas, anniversary and every other holiday all rolled in to one.  I am over the moon deciding how I want everything all set up.

Yesterday I cleaned the carpets and painted the room a light blue.  This morning I started putting tables and shelves in to place.  Now I need to start organizing my fabric.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Facebook page

I finally got around to creating a Facebook page for Marvelous Auntie M and I already have people I don't know who are liking it.  I'm starting to get very serious about all this sewing stuff 😀

Also super psyched about doing the Fall'iday Bazaar in October. This weekend will be spent organizing fabric and focusing on what I want to make to take to my first craft fair.

Here is a glimpse of the last quilt I completed...I should be able to disclose the recipient in a coupes of weeks.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's been a while

A lot has happened since last I wrote.  My quilt challenge has kind of fallen to the side.  I have finished a couple of memory quilts for people, one for my sister-in-law's mother and one from a sale off of my etsy shop.  I also had a nice chunk of work on CMA Music Festival, followed by a long weekend in Charleston, SC and now I have started on "Nashville" Season 2.  Unfortunately, I've been too busy to sew very much lately.  I have to make money to support my fabric addiction though.  From now until April I will only have the weekends to be able to create.

For Christmas this past year I made a Crayon Art Portfolio, which I found a tutorial for here, for my oldest great niece.  She loved it and threw it on her shoulder like a purse.  I have since made a few modifications such as a zipper pocket for the stickers, fabric handles and a fabric covered button to help keep it closed when not in use. 

My favorite fabric shop has agreed to let me teach a class on how to make my version of what I refer to as a "Toddler Briefcase" or a grown up can use it to carry their iPad.  I am very excited and nervous about this.  I've never taught a class before but I did receive high marks in public speaking in college.  Here are some photos of some of the ones I have made for people.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

None finished this week

I did get another quilt top done this week though. I had to work all week so I didn't really get to sew anything fun. Then I've kind of been in a bit of a bad mood this weekend and I don't like to sew when I'm in a bad mood...that makes it not be fun. I did however assemble two quilt sandwiches. One for the 3d maze quilt and one for my streamers quilt.

I enjoyed making the "summer in the park" quilt top. I think I'll add a border to it so that it can be a proper bed quilt. I used a jelly roll of "Glamping" by Moda. I love how it is full of bright colors.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How many quilts can I make in one year?

So I am giving myself a challenge. I want to make at least 26 quilts in the next year...that means at least one every two weeks. I have been on a quilting kick lately and armed with the knowledge I got in my free motion quilting class last week, I wanted to make this challenge to myself. I've been really bad about posting lately and I'm hoping this new challenge will also help me be better at this whole blogging thing. To kick off my challenge I am working on a new quilt top today. I hope to have completed 26 new quilts between now and April 1st, 2014. I'll post pics as I make progress.

For starters...I'm pretty dang proud of this quilt top that I made last week for my husband. He's been wanting me to make it for him since last May and I finally got up the courage to give this "challenging" pattern a go. Looks pretty much like the picture in the magazine did.

I get so much joy out of seeing something that I made. If anyone out there is reading this, I hope my quilt challenge will bring you smiles and perhaps make you think of something that you enjoy that you can challenge yourself with.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Streamers" quilt top complete

Yesterday I finished a quilt top that I had been thinking about and working on for about a month. I call it "streamers" and it is a variation on a drunkards path.

I'm ready for the free motion quilting class at Stitcher's Playhouse so that I can get this thing quilted.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Revamped heating pad

So you know how heating pads come with those plain baby blue covers? Mine was getting kind of rough looking after several years of use so I decided to make a nice new cover for mine out of some flannel scraps that I had lying around. It was just like making a little pillow case and adding some plastic snaps to the top. You wouldn't want metal because they might get too hot.

I cut a rectangle slightly larger than the heating pad. Then folded the short ends under 1/2" twice for a nice finished hem. I did it 1/2" so that the snaps would fit inside of it. I then folded the rectangle in half wrong sides together and sewed up the sides using 1/4" seam. Flip the case wrong side out and sew up the sides again using 1/4" seam to make a nice finished French seam. The flannel is also softer than the case that came with the heating pad.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A pretty good day

Today's shoot was pretty laid back and there wasn't very much to I was chatting with a couple of the guys who have kids and I sold two of the toddler briefcases and possibly a couple of faux chenille throw pillows. If I can keep this up then hopefully I'll be able to just sew soon. Keeping my fingers crossed and excited because these toddler briefcases make numbers three and four that I've sold. I'm making improvements with each one too. Thinking of a way to make an awesome boy one and incorporate cars into it.

Here's a close up pic of one of the faux chenille pillows. I did an "X" pattern on the square ones. And all of the lumbar pillows stacked up in a chair.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Puppy ear muffs?

I had my first production gig since the awards show today and the artist's puppies were there. They are trying to get the newest one used to the loud music to get her ready for the road. So I thought... What about puppy ear muffs to help quiet the noise. Most of the humans wear ear plugs and dogs have more sensitive hearing than us. Too tired to try to make up a prototype today...maybe I'll be able to think up something tomorrow.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Faux chenille and homemade pillow forms

I've made a few faux chenille quilts in the last few months. Four of them are going to be for sale at a boutique in Asheville, NC when the shop opens in April. The shop owner also asked me if I could make some faux chenille throw pillow covers. I'm always up for trying new things. I think they turned out really well.

Another thing I did with these was to make my own pillow inserts. I priced out inserts at Joann's and even when they are 50% off, a 20" x 20" pillow form was going to be $8. That seemed a little ridiculous to me so I. Bought some really big bags of fiber fill instead.

I made the pillow form cases out of some white muslin that I had at home. Two and 1/4 yards of 90" muslin and three bags of fiber fill were all I needed to make 8 pillow forms. Four were 20x20 and four were 12x20 (lumbar pillows). So much cheaper than spending $64 on the pillow forms and they didn't take long to make either.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Yummy lunch

Last week I saw a recipe for avocado chicken salad on Pinterest. That sounded so good and then Aldi had avocados for 33 cents so I bought some eager for them to get ripe enough for me to make it. When I started making it today I didn't have my phone handy so I just winged it and it was DELISH. Here's what I did:

2 boneless chicken breasts cooked and shredded
1/2 onion diced
1 avocado chopped
3/4 cup mayonnaise
2 slices of crispy bacon (because that's all I had)
Fresh ground pepper to taste

Mix it all together and enjoy. I like to toast my bread, helps keep it from sticking tithe roof of my mouth. Let me know if you try it and like it or if you add anything else to it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

New quilt idea

So today I had an idea for a variation on a drunkards path quilt. I'm going to call it "pink riviera". I got all of the fabric cut today and started sewing the circles onto the squares. I can't wait to get up in the morning and start working on it again....I really do love sewing :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Peanut butter puppy biscuits

I know I usually talk about sewing but tonight I made my little pooch Oskar some peanut butter dog treats. He couldn't wait for them to cool completely so when one was cool enough to handle he commenced to crunching.

These were easier than the pumpkin ones that I had tried before. I don't have any dog bone or fire hydrant shaped cookie cutters so Oskar gets some peanut butter men, stars and hearts. I wonder if he knows how lucky he is? I know I'm lucky to have such a good puppy (11 year old puppy) :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Upcycled pants and necktie

Today I made two purses and two Chapstick cozies. The purses I made out of my brother's nice blue jeans and the cozies were made from the remainder of the necktie that I used for the wristlet yesterday. I'm pretty proud of the purses because I added one of the pockets from one of his pearl snap shirts to the inside for a secure pocket.

Now I just need to make a couple of pillows out if the remainder of the jeans and a throw pillow out of another piece of pearl snap shirt.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Necktie wristlet

I finally got around to making my sister-in-law a wristlet out of one of my brother's neck ties. It turned out really well and fits an iPhone perfectly in the back pocket and has a second pocket for money, cards, etc.

Now I need to hit up the goodwill for some ties so that I can put them in my etsy shop.