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Thursday, January 17, 2013

The healing of the eyeballs

My vision is still a little blurry and it kind of feels like there is sand underneath the temporary contact but that is typical. I go in tomorrow morning for the temp contact to be removed. I think yesterday was the dip in vision, the day it gets worse before it gets better. They say its the blurriest when it is healing in front of the pupil. I'm happy I decided to have LASIK done. I'm really going to enjoy not having to put in contacts first thing in the morning just so that I can see anything. :)

Hopefully I'll be back to seeing in a few days. That is the biggest drag if this healing process.

**my eyesite is 20/20 and I just noticed some typos that actually work in the last paragraph. My phone doesn't understand my love for sewing for some reason and always wants to make it say "seeing" but seeing fits there too. Luckily I am back to seeing and sewing.

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